New Power Generation

Read time: 5 minutes

  • Harnessing emotional energy for productivity
  • The art of angry self-care
  • 7 ways to turn feelings into fuel
  • Highlights from "I had the Spine of my Life" lecture
  • Bonus: Kettlebell mobility routine

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called Life."

These immortal words from the Purple One himself set the stage for our exploration today. Life, with all its ups and downs, demands our full participation - even on the days when we'd rather pull the covers over our heads.

This Monday, I woke up with a profoundly bad mood lurking in the background. At the first opportunity, it presented itself as a mental tantrum. My morning was spent solo, and I had scheduled lovely activities such as journaling and working out in preparation for a long work day ahead. Refusing to allow this foul emotional state to disrupt my self-created task list, I quickly coined a new (favorite) term: angry self-care.

Emotions are funny things. We tend to ascribe them to circumstances , but I suspect it's more of a two-way street. In a good amount of instances, emotions are already there, having taken up residence in our psyche unbeknownst to us, and are just waiting in the background to seize on a narrative that will justify their existence. They amplify their power as we replay the offending event in our minds, working ourselves into even more of a heightened emotional state.

Here's where the magic happens: when we start to see emotions as energies that are separate from us, we gain the power to transform any mood into constructive action. This recognition is crucial - you are not your emotions, you merely experience them. They're like weather patterns passing through the sky of your consciousness.

After having caught the intruding emotion red-handed, I made sure to alert the people I was close to that I was in a foul mood and it had nothing to do with them, assuring them that I'd at least be humorous if I started ranting. This transparency not only protected my relationships but also allowed me to process my emotions more freely. By nightfall, the mood had dissipated, leaving in its wake a sense of accomplishment and clarity.

Think of your emotions as alternative energy sources - like solar or wind power for your soul. Just as we harness the sun's rays or the wind's gusts to generate electricity, we can tap into the raw power of our feelings to fuel our daily lives.

Here are some practical ways to channel specific emotions into productivity:

Ennui: Tackle that long-overdue closet reorganization - boredom and color-coding are a match made in heaven.

Anxiety: Channel that nervous energy into deep-cleaning the kitchen - your stress levels and your sink will both sparkle.

Impatience: Blitz through your email inbox - nothing satisfies that "need for speed" like hitting "archive" 50 times in a row.

Confusion: Draft your monthly budget - sometimes, making sense of your finances can help other things fall into place.

Sadness: Water and tend to your plants - nurturing other living things can be surprisingly productive when you're feeling blue.

Hot flashes: Channel your hormonal roller coaster to power through your freezer defrosting - multitasking at its finest!

PMS: Meal prep for the week ahead - chopping vegetables is remarkably satisfying when you're feeling irritable.

The rest of the week has been wonderfully productive, a testament to the power of emotional alchemy. On Thursday evening, I gave a lecture at Pilgrim's Way that I'm extremely proud of: "I had the Spine of my Life." This presentation examined the Spine from the perspectives of Body, Mind, and Soul. We covered physical issues like slipped discs, learned practical anatomy, explored neuro-anatomy, and experimented with nerve glides. Finally, we approached energetic and spiritual practices, linking energetic awakenings and shifts in mind-state to the physical disciplines woven into many spiritual approaches.

For those interested in diving deeper into this fascinating topic, the full lecture is available for purchase.

And for a taste of the content, here's a clip for you to enjoy this Sunday morning:

video preview

As an extra bonus, I've been exploring new territory in my studio, using a kettlebell as a grounding/centering tool to refine leg and hip alignment. Here's a 30-minute glimpse into where my creativity has been thriving while I'm on the floor:

video preview

This journey of emotional transformation and physical exploration brings us back to the concept of the "New Power Generation." We're not just passive recipients of our feelings or circumstances. Instead, we're active participants in our own evolution, constantly finding new ways to convert our experiences - both internal and external - into fuel for growth and creativity.

By treating our emotions as valuable resources rather than inconveniences, we open ourselves up to a whole new world of possibilities. We become more resilient, more creative, and more in tune with ourselves and others. Whether through movement, meditation, or tackling to-do lists with renewed vigor, every emotion becomes an opportunity for positive change.

So this week, try matching one strong emotion to a nagging to-do list item, and then please do me a favor and tell me about it.

Will your impatience finally get those taxes filed? Can anxiety alphabetize your bookshelf?

When Doves cry, water the plants - they could use the extra attention.

Domini Anne

Domini Anne

• I help people fully inhabit their bodies and guide teachers to do the same • Get access to exclusive videos, articles and teachings from Domini Anne

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