With, and Without You

"So basically, as long as we're cool with letting go of everything we know about our lifestyle, we're gonna have a great time."

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That's how my husband Iran summed up the packing list and instructions for the adventure we're about to embark on this Sunday. As you're reading this, I'm likely boarding a catamaran in Port Hardy, at the northern tip of Vancouver Island, heading off into parts unknown.

Here's the deal: my Dad has gathered our whole family ( wife, kids, grandchildren, etc) together for a final experience to celebrate his 80th year, and we are all getting on what I can best describe as a cold, windy, ocean-bound jungle cruise. It's a catamaran with about 24 passengers max, and we're setting off to see the "Wild Side of Vancouver Island" the unexplored places where humans rarely go and nature flourishes untouched and majestic.

Some days we'll be at sea, other days we'll take a little zodiac boat and go ashore. It sounds amazing, but I'll be honest - there are challenges: for example - there's no Wi-Fi, and I don't confine well. And then there's the part where you're with your family for a week on a boat - its own particular set of challenges and triggers. Not to say it won't be a great growth experience, but there's a lot packed into this adventure.

The biggest challenge though, is THIS : I live through my work. It means the world to me that every day I get to wake up and do what I love, that my passions are literally my job description. And it means the world to me that people like you find value in what I create.

Without my work, very quickly, my life loses meaning.

And yet, if I can sit with that discomfort and also be present for the wonder of this incredible experience about to unfold, I think it's worth it.

So next Sunday, Reader I'd like to try something a little different ( as I won't be able to write to you)

I'd like to invite you to write to me.

Tell me about your experiences like this, or what this makes you think of. Where have you sacrificed aspects of your personality to experience something bigger than yourself?

And next Monday, when I finally open my laptop and see bars, I look forward to reading your emails.

Until then, may we all find the courage to let go and embrace the unknown.

Domini Anne

Domini Anne

• I help people fully inhabit their bodies and guide teachers to do the same • Get access to exclusive videos, articles and teachings from Domini Anne

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