I Second that, in Motion.

Hello Friends,

First of all, I’d like to extend warm welcome to my new subscribers! Every Sunday morning, I aim to provide you with some food for thought about the intricate relationship between your mind, lifestyle, and body.

This week, my offerings are a little more varied than usual, so let's dive in.

I've been pondering how often my clients share stories from their personal lives, not just to update me on their current lifestyles, but more like memories emerging like well-polished driftwood thrown up from the ocean. It reminds me of something my wise and sprightly teacher once said in a Visceral Manipulation training: "The organs like to be talked to." I believe that the body itself holds onto memories and experiences, replaying them until it feels these memories have been witnessed. This can lead to an unlocking of movement as the "video on repeat" is released, or possibly an affirmation of who they are – a memory that anchors them in their perception of themselves in a positive way.

Another nugget of wisdom that fits this pattern comes from Lee Harris , who suggested that if you're caught in an emotion or memory, say out loud, "I wish to release this." I tried this strategy myself when mired in grief over the death of my mother, practicing rounds of Sun Salutations while preparing for her memorial in my childhood bedroom. And lo and behold, it worked. My psyche felt clearer, my emotions calmed, and my body returned to a softer, more open state.

Try this the next time a memory surfaces during your workouts or when you're feeling out of sorts. Tell yourself about the experience and see what happens when you witness and allow your internal narrative to be spoken.

As trainers, we may not be therapists, but we can hold space for our clients' stories and bear witness to the body as a whole. A little non-judgmental listening can go a long way.

Now, onto the practical stuff! I've been prepping for a summer conference (hello, three days of sitting!), so I created a bank of chair-friendly resistance band exercises. Want a sneak peek? Check out this 6-minute video of discreet yet effective moves you can do anywhere.

video preview

Lastly, the vibration plate showdown you've been waiting for!

I gathered a fleet of models ranging from $60 to $450, and there's a clear winner. Watch the video, especially if you're eyeing the "Vibes for All" series in July. Four classes, any vibration plate, tons of tips to maximize your shake-shake-shake.

video preview

Your Action Items:

• Check out the chair exercise and vibration plate videos

• Sign up for "Vibes for All" (your body will thank you!)

Talk to me! Just hit reply to ply me with questions, feedback, or share your own body-memory stories

Wishing you a week filled with self-discovery and joyful movement, Reader.

In appreciation of all that we are,

Domini Anne

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Domini Anne

• I help people fully inhabit their bodies and guide teachers to do the same • Get access to exclusive videos, articles and teachings from Domini Anne

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