From a Distance

In Art, Perspective helps us define our spacial relationship and distance from the subject matter.

In Life, Perspective is gained often through one’s distance from the subject matter, helping us to determine our relationship with it.

As the end of 2023 drew to a close, I was privileged to read many of my colleagues assessments of their year - noting their accomplishments, their challenges, and the lessons they learned.

For me, stepping back was key in order to gain perspective. So while everyone else was busy transforming into their “ New Year, New You” versions of themselves in January, I spent some time assessing the landscape of 2023 and positioning myself for growth, based on the perspective that one inevitably gains with the passage of time.

I try to situate these “Sunday Missives” firmly in the category of service - including helpful videos or thoughts on movement that help you to enjoy the experience of inhabiting your bodies. So it’s rare for me to compose something that’s more “ about me”.

So I’ve included a code towards the bottom of this email that is good for one free rental of any of the classes on this page ( valid until 01/20)

I'd love to share the highlights of my 2023 journey with you - and invite your input on a couple of things.

Last year was a big one in the category of personal growth:

I came to terms with the ending of my relationship with the Gyrotonic system as an educator. I had previously stepped down from my position as Certifying MT/ MT, but had continued on lending my influence in the form of online classes and in-person workshops in studios dear to my heart . In June 2023, it became clear that that chapter had come to an end.

Although it was difficult to accept at the onset, I carried on with a project that had been germinating for a while, and launched my own teacher training program: Proprio-Synthesis. A comprehensive training program for experienced movement instructors, Proprio-Synthesis empowers trainers to think critically in order to teach creatively. Pulling from their entire body of knowledge in order to create their own unique approach to movement and speak the language of physicality that is immediately accessible to the clients and students they serve. The course launched in August with a group of over 40 Beta-Testers, and the process of sharing these skills in mini-lessons and mentoring my students has been nothing short of amazing.

As winter approached, an insightful question from a student sparked the creation of a new course: Illuminated Anatomy. Although this course has yet to be released, it has already been met with widespread interest and enthusiasm, including an invitation to join the faculty of a new residency program for Physical Therapists at a local PT clinic here on the Monterey Peninsula. The process of collaboration, and overlap with the artistic side of the human psyche has brought me great joy, and 2024 opens with excitement and momentum as Paul and I are finishing the editing process on this first series of videos that focus on the Hand, Arm and Wrist.

Zooming out into the meta-perspective, there have been many times in the past few months that I have found myself wondering if I”ll follow in the footsteps of my mentors, withdrawing from my private practice in order to dedicate more time to enhancing the teaching qualities of my students - the trainers who come to me for their professional growth. But that doesn’t seem likely.

I learn from my students and clients equally. From my students, I learn what kind of teacher I am. The process of mentoring them shows me where I can be trusted to provide feedback, and their questions illuminate the areas where I have knowledge to share. But my clients and I share an intimate space where I get to meet beautiful humans who have usually lived longer and fuller lives than I. They share their stories, and their experience with their bodies as they age, and they trust me to help them integrate all these elements of a life well lived into more vital, stronger physical expression. Giving that up would be akin to walking away from my family. I would lose access to relationships that provide me with spiritual and emotional growth, as well as practical skills that I can then share with my students. I can’t imagine life without those days spent in my studio space, sharing the gentle and creative dynamic of bodywork and training in a one on one setting that wouldn’t be the same without my two dogs - Zoolander and Blue ( who are convinced that everyone is just there to see them anyhow).

One inarguable fact about humans is that we are unable to see our own blind spots. We rely on others to expose the gaps in our comprehension. Both my students and clients help me to become a more complete version of myself, and they do that both by giving feedback, and simply showing up. We are different with every single person we meet because each person brings out a different aspect of our own self. We seek to find our reflection in the people we care about, and keeping this dynamic in mind helps to reveal to us how we show up for other people.

With that, I invite you to join me in the following exercise about reflective growth. If you are inspired, please share with me a story of when I was at my best. I recently learned that if you ask 20 people you care about to do this for you, you’ll learn about your strengths ; what you do best for others. I would like to learn how I can continue to grow and serve you in the years to come ( and I encourage you to do the same with your network)

Also, please tell me about any podcasts you love to listen to on the subjects of mind/body development and movement practices. One of my goals for 2024 is to guest on podcasts that are relevant in my field, and my own scope of listening material is in need of some breadth. If you can think of a podcast that would a great fit for me to join in on the conversation, even better! Please send them my way.

Feel free to reply to this email with your thoughts. No urgency and no pressure, but when the feeling strikes you - I’ll receive your input with gratitude.

By the way, 2024 is that code. The discount code box will appear on the checkout page.

Have a beautiful week,

Domini Anne

©Domini Anne 2024 - because, of course.

Domini Anne

• I help people fully inhabit their bodies and guide teachers to do the same • Get access to exclusive videos, articles and teachings from Domini Anne

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